Friday, May 26, 2006

Lunch June 2nd and the wedding reception

Who wants to go to lunch on June 2nd in Logan or maybe we could do dinner in Salt Lake because a lot of people are already going to Alyssa's wedding reception. I know that not everyone can go, but at least some of us could hang out.

Alyssa's wedding reception is from 7pm till 9pm at the River Sixth Ward 7380 South 1300 West, in West Jordan, UT. Click here for a webpage with directions to the chappel.

People, we want to hang out. We need feedback as to when are where. From this point on until Fall semester it will be impossible for all of us to get together, but we can at least hangout in little groups here and there. I think Genna's going sailing this weekend at Bear Lake. I don't know what else is going on. Talk to me people, what do y'all want to do?????


Alyssa said...

thanks for posting all the information to my reception Bob. It would actually be easier to just take I-15 all the way down to the 7200 south exit and go west to 1300 west then turn left at the light the church is like a block after that. Rather than weave around on 215. Have a great time and see you all there.

Bob said...

I was relying on google to give me some decent directions, but google may not know Utah very well I guess.
Do you live around there? My in-laws just live down the street.

lex said...

I'm up for dinner in Salt Lake.

Bob said...

Well, a few of us are planning on it for sure (Stephanie, Kristin, and myself). So, we just need to decide where and when.