Tuesday, May 18, 2010

List of some SLPs on Twitter

Since Kristin demonstrated some interest in speech therapy networking, here are some of the SLPs that I talk to on a regular basis on twitter.

@SLPTanya, @lausie18, @albrechtyn, @MontanamarySLP, @jahslp, @SpeechTherapist, @ndnspeechmom, @egolfer6, @AdirondackMetal, @RhiannanW, @dibsondebs, @djhein70, @StutteringMe, @SpeechLEmma, @speechpatholizo, @namastebyday

Its been great to talk to other about what's going on, to rant, to get ideas, to ask professors about their opinions, etc etc. There are a ton more resources out there as well. This is just scratching the surface. Send me an email if you have any more questions about how twitter (or social networking in general) works.
Talk to you later.

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