I'm going to try write more on this blog, since I know there are at least a few readers. I came across an article talking about the stories of people with communication disorders. They talked briefly about a movie that I didn't know about (I rarely keep up with movies these days unless its a disney princess show - that's what happens when you are the parent of little girls). Anyway, the movie is called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, based on Jean-Dominiques Bauby's autobiography, same title. This man had a brain stem stroke which resulted in lock-in syndrome. He dictated the whole book with someone pointing to letters and having him blink to select one. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I saw the preview. It is in french, but there are english subtitles (so if you don't like foreign films then this isn't for you). I just thought this might be a cool thing for us speechies. The website is http://video.movies.go.com/thedivingbellandthebutterfly/main.html. Of course there's ton of information on the web about it. I'm sure some of you were already aware of it and I'm the slow one (which is the case 9 times out of 10), but I just thought I'd share.
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